Tritt Property - Action Needed Today
Encourage Commissioners to Keep the Tritt Property on the Splost list- The Board of Commissioners will vote on May 26 at 1:30 online.
Dear Friends of East Cobb Park and Tritt Park,
The SPLOST 2022 list of projects will be voted on tomorrow, Tuesday, May 26 at 1:30pm by the Board of Commissioners. Good news: Included in the Tier 1 project list for the next SPLOST is funding to purchase the remaining 24 acres of the Tritt Property, which includes the historic house and the 100-year-old barn!
We encourage each of you who have enjoyed using East Cobb Park, and other parks around Cobb, to PLEASE send an email to the Commissioners voicing your support for keeping the Tritt Property on the SPLOST list:
Tomorrow’s Board of Commissioners meeting is a Virtual meeting, so we cannot attend it in person, but we can email. Visit this page to watch the meeting online.
We all have seen just how vital parks and green space are to the well-being of our community in these last several months.
The SPLOST 2022 funds would enable the County to save up to purchase the final 24 acres of the property. There are no other large tracts of land in East Cobb that can be saved as green space / park land. If we do not fight to save this property, it will get developed and press in on the existing beauty of East Cobb Park.
We fought very hard to stop development on this land, and let's continue to see the dream through by reminding the Board of Commissioners how important it is to ‘save the Green Jewel of East Cobb’ to our community.
For more information, check the Facebook page and blog.